Yes. Anyone desiring to place membership at Ebenezer Baptist Church must be willing to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and grow in his or her relationship with God. Our membership requirements are based on the New Testament precedents set forth in Acts 2:37-41, and throughout the book of Romans.

What is expected of me once I become a member?
- Regularly attend Sunday worship service.
- Find a ministry to call your own. We have different types of ministries to meet diverse needs.
- Support the Church with your prayers, your presence, time, talent, & financial gifts
- Invite others.
Right Hand of Fellowship
After completing the new member’s classes, the new member will be given the right hand of fellowship. The right hand of fellowship is a church-wide greeting to the new member of the church body. After the sermon, Rev. Thompson and the official family and church body will welcome the new member to the Ebenezer Baptist Church family.
Tithe & Offering
The Bible teaches that the baseline for giving is tithing, contributing 10% of your gross income to the Church. We also recognize that God will receive any gift that you give to him as long as it is sacrificial. God understands that giving is also a growth process and we want everybody to aim to tithe. However, your tithe is one way of exercising your faith in God and your love for others. God calls us to give the first of what we have and he will bless the rest.